This is the thirteenth Weighing Questionnaire measurement, conducted in January 2012.
This is the fourteenth Weighing Questionnaire measurement, conducted in February 2012.
This is the third wave of the Study Time Use and Consumption.
Testing Mechanisms for Identifying True Risk Preferences.
In September 2012 the questionnaire “Dutch Parliamentary Election
Studies 2012”, (based on the NKO) was administered to the LISS-I panel
members aged 18 years and older. (Part of the questionnaire also was
presented to the panel members aged 16 or 17, if the questions were...
In June 2012, the LISS-Immigrant panel was presented the questionnaire “social exclusion”. The questionnaire aims to investigate the degree of social exclusion among the Dutch population.To be able to differentiate between poor and non-poor population groups, all households were selected with a...
TILCOM systematically tracks economic expectations, emotional responses to economic developments, and consumption coping in response to economic developments. TILCOM furthermore relates this to specific topical themes.The TILCOM survey is conducted each quarter among members of the LISS panel....
The principal aim of this study is to examine how the Dutch think about privatization and corporatization.
In January 2013, the Safety Monitor questionnaire was fielded in the LISS panel. This questionnaire examines the livability of people’s neighborhood.
The goal of this study is to gain insight into how people appraise the importance of their daily work tasks and how effective they are in performing these tasks, to find out where they learned to perform their work tasks, to investigate how working life can be prolonged, and how mobility on the...
This survey is about the responsibility of citizens in a large number of domains, about the responsibility that is desired of the state, and about the division of responsibilities between the state and citizens.
In February a questionnaire about dealing with risks was presented to the LISS panel. Some additional questions were included in the Health Core questionnaire in November and December.
This questionnaire examines whether parenthood affects the relation between guilt and pro-social behavior.
This projects consists of several studies asking questions concerning aggression, empathy and social bonding. It also incorporates an experiment into the effect of seeing emotional faces on answer behavior.
This study consists of questions concerning aggression, empathy and social bonding. It also incorporates an experiment into the effect of seeing emotional faces on answer behavior.
The aim of this questionnaire is to examine correlations among socioeconomic status, perceived stigmatisation, general shame and social inadequacy, and poor health.
The Life History Questionnaire has been fielded in the LISS panel among panel members aged 16 years and older and having the position of: head of household, with wedded or unwedded partner, on the subject of their family situation during childhood.
In July 2012, the first wave of the Life History Questionnaire was fielded in the LISS panel. The questionnaire is about their family situation during childhood. The questionnaire was repeated for non-respondents in August 2012.
This study consists of the second wave of questions concerning aggression, empathy and social bonding. It also incorporates an experiment into the effect of seeing emotional faces on answer behavior. This study is related to study fh10a.
This questionnaire consists of some questions that were already asked in study hd11a and were repeated. The questions were about how likely people are moved to tears.