[Hebben Adam en Eva...]
Aside from special occasions such as weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious gatherings nowadays?
Afgezien van speciale gelegenheden zoals huwelijken en begrafenissen, hoe vaak gaat u tegenwoordig naar religieuze bijeenkomsten?
Aside from when you attend religious gatherings, how often do you pray?
Los van wanneer u naar religieuze bijeenkomsten gaat, hoe vaak bidt u?
What is your nationality? More than one answer is possible.
Welke nationaliteit hebt u? Er zijn meerdere antwoorden mogelijk.
What is your nationality [(besides your Dutch nationality)]
Wat is uw nationaliteit? [(naast uw Nederlandse nationaliteit)]
What is your nationality?
Wat is uw nationaliteit?
Were you born in the Netherlands?
Bent u geboren in Nederland?
In what country were you born?
In welk land bent u geboren?
In what year did you come to live in the Netherlands?
In welk jaar bent u voor het eerst in Nederland komen wonen?
Was your father born in the Netherlands?