How satisfied were you with your physical and emotional health within the last month?
Hoe tevreden was u over uw lichamelijke en geestelijke gezondheid de afgelopen maand?
Taken all together, how satisfied were you with the life you lead within the last month?
This was the final question. In 3 months you can read how other panelmembers have answered the questions about income, love life, friendships, health, work, and education. We will also ask you some additional questions for this study then.
Dit was de laatste vraag. Over 3 maanden kunt u lezen hoe de panelleden geantwoord hebben op de vragen over inkomen, hun relatie, vriendschap, gezondheid, werk en onderwijs. Wij zullen u dan nog enkele vragen stellen in het kader van dit onderzoek.
Please complete the questionnaire until you reach the starting screen again. Only then will the system register the questionnaire as being completely filled out. What did you think of this questionnaire:
NB: Maakt u alstublieft de vragenlijst af totdat u weer bij het beginscherm komt. Pas dan registreert het systeem de vragenlijst als volledig ingevuld. Tot slot. Wat vond u van deze vragenlijst:
Note: Please be sure to complete this questionnaire until you are returned to the starting screen. Only then will the system register the questionnaire as fully completed.Finally: what did you think of this questionnaire?