This is the fourth wave of the Health module of the LISS Core Study.
This survey focuses on health, health perception and health related to job situation.
In August 2010, a questionnaire on multiculturalism was administered to the Immigrant panel to gain insight into the acculturation strategies of immigrants in the Netherlands.
In August 2010, a questionnaire was administered to the LISS-I panel to gain insight into the social network of people (family members, friends, and acquaintances).
In July 2010 (wave 1) a questionnaire about confidence in several institutions was administered to the Immigrant panel. In November 2010 (wave 2) the questionnaire was repeated.
This is the first wave of the questionnaire Trust
In September and October 2010, a questionnaire was administered to the Immigrant panel in which respondents were asked to answer three questions about six pictures (from 12 pictures in total). In September, it was randomly determined whether the respondent received picture 1 - 6 or picture 7 –...
This is the second wave of the questionnaire Trust
This is the sixth TILCOM measurement, conducted in December 2010.
We now list a number of organizations that you are free to join. Can you indicate, for each of the organizations listed, what applies to you at this moment or has applied to you over the past 12 months? (more than one answer possible) 1 = no connection 2 = donated money 3 =...
We gaan nu een aantal organisaties noemen waarvan u vrijwillig lid kunt worden. Wilt u voor elk van de onderstaande organisaties aangeven wat voor u momenteel, of in de afgelopen 12 maanden, van toepassing is? (meerdere antwoorden mogelijk) 1 = geen binding 2 = geld geschonken 3 =...
Did you perform any informal care over the past 12 months; that is, did you regularly help someone in your environment requiring help due to a disease or other affliction?
Hebt u in de afgelopen 12 maanden mantelzorg verricht? Dat wil zeggen iemand in uw omgeving geregeld geholpen die vanwege een ziekte of aandoening hulp nodig had.
How were you related to this person? If you helped more than one person, consider the person that you helped most. The person to whom I provided informal care over the past 12 months was my: